

英漢字典: get down to

go to work without waiting or hesitating;resolutely apply oneself to 立即開始工作;致力于(工作、任務等)

    The chair person started the meeting promptly at seven o'clock and the committee got right down to business. 會議主持者7點鐘準時宣布開會,委員會接著就開始了工作。

    It's time you got down to some reading or the other students will leave you behind. 現在你該開始學習了,否則其他同學就要把你甩到後面去了。

    That task isn't as difficult as it seems when you really get down to it. 這任務似乎很難,但當你真地做起來,並不是那麼困難。

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